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In the pure wine body, there is not only high alcohol concentration, but a kind of praise and admiration for nature.


Vitality comes from the human heart, and moderate drinking is a way of knowing oneself and connecting with society. Only in a joyful and pleasant atmosphere can you taste the sweetest wine, and you can truly feel the kindness and love the world has for you.


Like Spring Vodka, the core spirit of the brand is mainly concerned with whether there is a strong vitality in the human heart, and this vitality can make the world a better place.


Just like in the process of brewing Spring Vodka, through the subtle changes of grain crops, it is known whether these grain crops have pleasant factors, coupled with the natural genes of natural spring water, the wine body is more energetic and life.

Spring Vodka

Chinese name: Cold Spring Vodka Silver Medal Award

Main raw materials: white winter wheat, cold spring water

Capacity: 700ml

Alcohol concentration: 40%


2023年美國SFWSC舊金山世界烈酒競賽(San Francisco World Spirits Competition),傳來好消息!台灣品牌贏得多項大獎榮耀,來自台灣的「龐尼維爾威士忌系列」品牌抱回四面獎牌,其中「茉莉綠茶酒桶威士忌原酒」憑藉豐沛茉莉花香與細緻的綠茶風味和威士忌原酒完美融合,贏得烈酒大師青睞,獲得2023年雙金牌最高獎項殊榮。





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